Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Reivindicación peatonal espontanea del espacio callejero

Estoy harto del coche en la ciudad. No quiero ni hablar de la contaminación o del ruido pero simplemente que a veces no hay bastante espacio para el peatón. Vivo en Barcelona y a veces no se puede andar de la estrechez que tienen las aceras. Hay atasco peatonal. Los que conocen al Triangulo el Sábado por la tarde saben de lo que hablo. Bien, si tu también estas harto de eso, te propongo de hacer una reivindicación peatonal espontanea del espacio callejero. El concepto es sencillo, cuándo hay un espacio que se crea en la calzada, los peatones bajan en masa y se apropian una via. Si hay un flujo constante de peatones, los coches deberán circular sobre las otras vías. Tal vez si se produce bastante a menudo el ayuntamiento dejara menos espacio al coche.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Why I don't like Apple

My girlfriend and I sometimes debate on Apple. Actually, each time she complains about the slowness of her current computer and the question of buying a new one comes up. She wants to buy a Macbook because they are beautiful. I try to convince her to buy a PC and use Linux. I'm a fervent advocate of open source but my point is that a tool doesn't need to be beautiful but functional. Of course, Macbooks are functional. But the added beauty comes at a cost and doesn't improve the function, to which she disagrees. That reminds me of these students that think beautiful and expensive pencils and notebooks will better motivate them to work. Then the debate takes usually a more philosophical turn around the usefulness of beauty, and as such goes away from the real problem.
The real problem is that Apple succeeded in creating a real cult around its products that makes people pay for an added emotional value. And the cult of objects and the emotional link with them is just something that bothers an anti-consumerist like me. Particularly with objects that remains just tools and have such a short lifespan.
I like my laptop (an Asus) because it followed me in my professional travels and many of the places I lived. But I'm not saying this created some emotional link. I just like it because it was sturdy enough not to break. According to my girlfriend, this is a pretty ugly laptop.